of our IST Learning Legends has written a practical learning
resolution. Read through each resolution below and have your student(s)
choose the resolution (or create a new one!) that s/he will follow for
the remainder of the school year. Then, both of you should sign an
"accountability agreement" and post it in a conspicuous location in your
New Year's learning resolution is to actually review my tests and
quizzes after I get them back from my teachers. Usually, I'm in such a
rush to stuff them in my backpack that I don't even look at what I got
wrong (or right, for that matter:-)". --Fast Eddie
New Year's learning resolution is to learn all of the key Latin and
Greek roots that I need to know in order do well on important tests like
the PSAT, SAT, ACT and more. A new vocabulary word a day will keep the
low scores away!"
--Sammy Smart
New Year's learning resolution is to spend at least 15 minutes (per
class/per day) reviewing my notes after I get home. When there's nothing
to review, I plan to read ahead. Working smarter, not necessarily
faster or harder definitely works for me!" --Samantha Smart
New Year's learning resolution is to write EVERYTHING in my
planner/agenda book. That way, there's no chance that I'll forget to do
something important." --Lucky Lucy
New Year's learning resolution is to use my class notes, textbook
notes, homework and quizzes to make my own study guides (3-4 pages) at
least a week before each big test. Yup, that's me, always ready for
whatever's coming my way!" --Bea Reddie