Monday, September 20, 2010

What do The Washington Post and SpongeBob Have in Common?

SAT words!  In my never-ending quest to find vocabulary words in everyday life, I did another little experiment: I read one article of The Washington Post and watched one episode of SpongeBob Squarepants to see how many "SAT" words I could find in each.  Here are the results (in order of appearance):

The Washington Post
Article: "How Adrian Fenty Lost His Reelection Bid for DC Mayor"
by Nikita Stewart and Paul Schwartzman (9/15/10)
  1. oblivious
  2. constituent(s)
  3. remorse
  4. unrelenting
  5. hone(d)
  6. incumbent
  7. aloof
  8. catapult(ed)
  9. confidant
  10. electorate
  11. anonymity
  12. insurgent
  13. apex
  14. hubris
  15. formidable
  16. insular
  17. fiat
  18. amend(ed)
  19. philanthropist
  20. mantra
  21. advocate
  22. punctuate(d)
  23. candid(ly)
  24. prospective
  25. rail(ed)
  26. peril
  27. unceasing
  28. cronyism
  29. grudgingly
  30. fray
  31. gambit
  32. deride
  33. surrogate(s)
  34. persist(ed)
  35. arrogance
  36. mea culpa
Spongebob Squarepants (unfortunately, I forgot to write the title of the episode):
  1. disclose
  2. paranoia
  3. forlorn
  4. protazoan
  5. masquerade
  6. innocuous
  7. jig
  8. smug
  9. redeem
  10. deranged
  11. astray
  12. runt
  13. scold(ing)
I was not surprised byThe Washington Post, but Spongebob definitely threw me for a loop! The moral of my post?  The dictionary is not the only place to learn new words; maybe to look them up, but certainly not to learn them:-)  Until next time, happy learning everyone!

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